California Solar Mandate Will Cost More Than Anyone Was Told
Stephen Heins
Energy Consultant
Stephen Heins reveals the insanity of a California solar mandate, which will deepen the impacts of the energy debacle in which the state is already mired.
California’s new solar mandate will cost much more than anyone was told, writes Steven Sexton at the Wall Street Journal. Essentially, the public sector, together with well-funded politically active environmental groups, have decided to impose their will on the rest of us for the sake of money, more power and secular salvation as apostles of political correctness.
They’ve determined what’s best for us and they say it’s renewable energy, electric cars, and large scale storage batteries.
They say these are the investments required by California to provide for its energy, economic development and environmental needs.
They can say it all they want, but their facts don’t add up.
There’s also, of course, the question of where they get such awesome authority. Who gave it to them?
This Wall Street Journal op-ed reveals the flawed accounting methodology involved in California’s ludicrous level state expenditures on solar energy. There is no real return on investment and the result will ultimately be great political damage to other clean energy initiatives that deserve attention.
It seems the California public sector is awash in funding for renewables dedicated to the environment and emission reductions. There is too much money chasing the goods and it’s recipe for foolishness.
At a minimum, there should be full disclosure of all public funding and results, with independent verification. This is especially important when these funds and grants are received and expended on behalf of California.
In a world flooded with dubious environmental and economic claims, the credibility of all reported facts is crucial to state government, California voters, and of course investors.
No matter what.