Home of The Word Merchant2019-05-15T17:05:12-05:00

“Always precise, never pedantic.”

In a highly divided and partisan world, it is my intent to provide an even-handed view of the rapidly converging worlds of energy, technology and broadband, while avoiding silo thinking about any of them.

– Steve Heins

Currently open to consulting opportunities with an emerging energy company. Interested? Email: stephenheins@gmail.com



Clean energy and energy production are at the forefront of Steve’s attention.



Communication connectivity ties it together with “The Internet of Things



Steve tackles relevant environmental issues like fracking and climate change.

Thought Pieces

Fracking comes to the Arctic in a new Alaska oil boom: This comes at a time of low oil prices, when observers felt the Arctic would remain off-limits.

By |April 14th, 2017|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , , , , |

Thought Piece [While the discovery of 5 to 6 billion oil and untold natural gas is good news for Alaska, the U.S. and the global energy markets, the logistics [...]

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Legal Group Wants ‘Partisan’ AG Punished Over Handling Of High-Profile Public Records Request: Another New York Attorney General without boundaries?

By |April 13th, 2017|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , , |

Thought Piece "Legal Group Wants ‘Partisan’ AG Punished Over Handling Of High-Profile Public Records Request." Another New York Attorney General without boundaries? [Below, you will find two pieces about [...]

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Julia Olson founded Our Children’s Trust with the idea of having children front the campaign against climate change and making them plaintiffs

By |April 11th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , , , , |

Thought Piece [Lily Tomlin was right: "No matter how cynical you get, it is impossible to keep up." Steve] Hide Behind Kids in Oil and Gas Lawsuit by Aileen [...]

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The role a melting glacier played in Exxon’s biggest disaster: “Global Warming, is there anything it can’t do?” Homer Simpson

By |April 6th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , |

Thought Piece [Ordinarily, I would have provided some editorial comment to a story like the one which appeared in the LA Times today, but I have been rendered almost [...]

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“Atlantic Coast Pipeline Protestors Shut Down FERC Chair’s Lecture at Duke University”: “Enviros Shut Down Duke U Meeting Where FERC Chair to Speak”

By |April 4th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , |

Thought Piece [In the wake of the interview with NYU Professor Johnathon Haidt in Saturday's Wall Street Journal and his discussion of recent examples of the "new religion that drives the intolerance and [...]

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“Innovation Related To Hydraulic Fracturing Dominates Oil, Gas Patent Arena” Since 2006, nearly 1,000 patents related to hydraulic fracturing filed.

By |April 3rd, 2017|Categories: Energy, Thought Piece|Tags: , , |

Thought Piece [It is worth mentioning that many of these patents involve improved environmentalism and safety, what I have called "practical environmentalism" over 15 years ago. Deloitte expects these innovative [...]

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The Climate Yawns: Donald Trump is no more a planet wrecker than Barack Obama (as measured to the third decimal).

By |April 3rd, 2017|Categories: Energy, Thought Piece|Tags: , , |

Thought Piece [While many people seemingly have forgotten that Clean Power Plan was a legalistic nightmare, I think it is important to remember the CPP was opposed by 31 states (out of 50) in court. [...]

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Fracking 2.0: Shale Drillers Pioneer New Ways to Profit in Era of Cheap Oil

By |March 31st, 2017|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , |

Thought Piece [The technology of horizontal drilling and fracking is moving at hyper-speed in the US, thanks to the Internet of Things and the innovations of the American private [...]

Michael Mann takes on his arch-enemies, dissenting scientists and loyal opposition at Committee Hearings.

By |March 30th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , |

Frankly, it would take too much time to recount all of Michael Mann's enemies, although I can mention a partial list: Dr. Judith Curry, Koch Brothers, Patrick Taylor, Dr. [...]

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Judith Curry and Michael Mann debate the future risks and climatological certainty of global warming and climate change

By |March 29th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: |

Thought Piece Judith Curry and Michael Mann discuss the future risks and climatological certainty of global warming and climate change After the panel discussion tomorrow at the Congressional Hearings [...]

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EPA’s Clean Power Plan and its Many, Many, Many Flaws

By |March 28th, 2017|Categories: Energy, Environment, Original Heins|Tags: , , , , |

[I have up-dated a piece I wrote last year, "EPA's Clean Power Plan and its Moment of Truth." While many people seemingly have forgotten that it was a legalistic nightmare, I think [...]

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U.S. oil and gas industry reaps the benefits of international trade, aided by new technologies and growing transportation hubs.

By |March 22nd, 2017|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , |

Thought Piece [The following piece by John Kemp is a well-nuanced look at the current US gas and oil industry. While increasing flows of oil and gas are doing well, [...]

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Saudi Arabia’s Oil Supremacy Falters: Rejiggering its long-held strategy of clinging to market share

By |March 21st, 2017|Categories: Energy, Thought Piece|Tags: , |

Thought Piece [No amount of rejiggering its long-held strategy can help Saudi Arabia keep its market share. Simple supply and demand economics has hit the international oil markets right between the [...]

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New era of energy and its transportation in US begins tomorrow (or the day after). Quietly, the long years of engineering come to fruition….

By |March 21st, 2017|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , |

Thought Piece [Below, please find two stories that effectively announce a new era without being all that much different than the old era. Oil and natural gas will continue [...]

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+ Resources


I am privileged to recommend Stephen Heins for any marketing, media or writing assignment. Steve is an accomplished observer, researcher and writer and doesn’t come to the title of “Word Merchant” without considerable warrant. Read More
Tom Shepstone, Shepstone Management Company, Inc.

It is with great honor and enthusiasm that I recommend Stephen Heins as a hard working researcher and gifted writer. While I have known Stephen for only about six months, I’ve read many of his works and have been engaged in numerous great discussions with him on matters involving energy, the environment and the internet.  Read More

David C Egelson

I am pleased to recommend Stephen Heins as a researcher and writer.  As a former commissioner on the Maryland Public Service Commission and current senior administrative law judge with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, I am most familiar with Mr. Heins’ work in the energy field. Read More

Larry Brenner

I’ve known Steve Heins for at least 5 years and can say without a doubt that he a gentleman of the first order: always professional and always respectful, even if he disagrees with your perspective. Read More

Ken Silverstein, Editor - Environmental Leader; Writer - Forbes

Heins believes he has the answer to most questions, but even when he does not, he is never in doubt and expresses his position with clarity and humor.  He attracts his audience with an attention getting device, engages it with thoughtful comments and examples… Read More

Wayne H. Rusch, Berliner, Corcoran & Rowe