August 2018
The Phony Numbers Behind California’s Solar Mandate
Thought Piece California’s new solar mandate will cost much more than anyone was told, writes Steven Sexton. Essentially, the public sector, including well-funded politically active environmental groups, have decided that renewable energy, electric cars, and [...]
The DRBC Has A Train Wreck As New Jersey Pollutes the Delaware
Thought Piece The silence emanating from the Coalition for the Delaware River Basin (CDRB) after this current train wreck is deafening. This sound of silence is especially interesting as the CDRB has been worried about [...]
Fire and Water in California
Thought Piece California Governor Jerry Brown continues to declare that all of this year’s forest fires were caused by climate change, while the Wall Street Journal continues to pour cold water on that argument (below). [...]
Infographic: Thanks to New York’s Fracking Ban, “Twin Tiers” Now Look More Like Distant Cousins
Thought Piece The following side by side comparisons between New York’s Southern Tier and Pennsylvania Northern Tier demonstrates that unconventional oil/hydraulic fracturing has become the center of a budding US economic renaissance, because it has [...]
U.S. Achieves Biggest CO2 Reduction by Any Nation in the World in 2017
Thought Piece Clean energy is solar, energy efficiencies, wind, hydro, new NG power plants, LNG, new modern nuclear, updated cleaner power plants with scrubbers, new pipelines, new utility infrastructure, electricity efficiencies of the Internet of [...]
SEC Drops Probe of Exxon’s ‘Climate-Change Disclosures’
Thought Piece A humble scientist is a wise scientist. A good regulator is well-informed, light-handed and market-oriented. Let's admit that there are many, many people in the world who haven't accepted the fact that the [...]