

September 2019

Are We at a Climate Change Turning Point? Obama’s EPA Chief Thinks So

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Thought Piece “Climate change is happening,” Gina McCarthy has been saying for years, “We have to stop debating the science.” One might wonder where is the discussion about national and international economic development, the importance [...]

Cheap Renewables Could Make 90% of Proposed Gas Power Plants

Thought Piece Look, Ma! Those stinking problems for renewables, wind and solar, have magically disappeared. We no longer have to worry about intermittency, storage, finance, technology, and distribution, thanks to DeSmog. Whew.... Cheap Renewables Could [...]

The Growing Market for Clean Energy Portfolios + Prospects for Gas Pipelines in the Era of Clean Energy

Thought Piece I think this new report will damage Rocky Mountain Institute’s credibility. It is wrong in several ways. Just saying. The Growing Market for Clean Energy Portfolios By Charles Teplin, Mark Dyson, Alex Engel, and Grant Glazer Prospects [...]