

April 2018

48,000 Brits dead after worst winter in 42 years THE UK is being hit by its worst winter death toll in 42 years, a new search says.

Thought Piece "Here is a headline that is unlikely to appear in the US. “48,000 Brits Dead After Worst Winter in 42 Years.” While England is sitting on an “enormous reserve” of shale oil, they [...]

New B.C. report discredits green groups’ narrative that First Nations are opposed to fossil fuel projects Indigenous communities are upset that many LNG projects haven’t been built, according to a joint report co-authored the B.C. government and the First Nations LNG Alliance

Thought Piece It is hard to retain a modicum of respect for any American environmental group who tries to influence the environmental debate of other countries, especially Canada. Vancouver researcher and writer Vivian Krause has [...]

The Fuel-Economy Reality Show The Obama rules were always designed to provide a sound bite and then be repealed.

Thought Piece The Fuel-Economy Reality Show, by @HolmanJenkins There are times when I remember how funny Holman Jenkins can be. This piece is a classic example. WARNING: Anyone who is unwilling to have a little [...]