May 2019
How to Avoid a 5G Boondoggle
Thought Piece Another thoughtful piece about technological complexity and commercializing 4 and 5 G Broadband, with light-handed regulation, by Holman Jenkins How to Avoid a 5G Boondoggle See Article
April 2019
Why I Don’t “Believe” in “Science”
Thought Piece Why I don't "believe" in today's environmental activism. And, why I don't believe much in the agitprop from the Big Green Machine. "After billions and billions of dollars spent on environmental activism, the [...]
Why the EPA is Partly to Blame for the Flint Water Crisis
Thought Piece Credibility isn’t an ordinary Word. Why hasn’t any investigative reporter picked up this ongoing story about the EPA under the leadership of Gina McCarthy and Janet McCabe in President Obama’s second term. Remember, [...]
Flint’s Water Crisis Started 5 Years Ago. It’s Not Over.
Thought Piece The Credibility of One-Eyed Environmental Sources In terms of credibility, NTY does not even refer to the former EPA’s (under Gina McCarthy) involvement in the Flint Water Crisis. In fact, there were Office [...]
Thought Piece In 2019, there should be a Full Disclosure requirement (including all published quotes) for the latest group of catastrophists such as prognosticators, forecasters, futurist, meteorologists, climatologist, scientists, predictors, and visionaries. They should have [...]
Kenney building ‘war room’ to counter environmental groups, negative media coverage of Alberta’s oil industry
Thought Piece To quote the ubiquitous Anonymous: “Environmental activism does not destroy things, but rather it inexhaustibly prevents them from ever coming into being.” It is time for Canada to have an updated discussion about [...]