April 2019
‘Eco-colonialism’: Rift grows between Indigenous leaders and green activists
Thought Piece This is a piece by Claudia Cattaneo from 2018 that still echoes in my head. Certainly, it is a story with continuing importance to Canada, its politics and its economic development. Thirty members [...]
February 2019
Bill Gates Slams Unreliable Wind & Solar: ‘Let’s Quit Jerking Around With Renewables & Batteries’
Thought Piece Unsurprisingly, the following interview got no media coverage. By the way, Bill Gates has little or no skin in the renewables and battery sector, plus he isn’t singing from the Green Tabernacle Choir [...]
Thought Piece For anyone who wants to put the economics back into economic development, this 2019 TIPRO Report is very timely. I especially like the Methodology Section. Too many reports and reporters provide scant [...]
Gas Shortages Give New York an Early Taste of the Green New Deal
Thought Piece Here is a great Op-Ed piece by friend Robert Bryce. In complete disbelief, Robert writes about the mostly officious energy policy of New York. How can urban politicians set a course for destruction, [...]
“Why We Won’t Quit the Climate Fight” (the growing futility, despair of climate alarmists)
Thought Piece Here is a great piece by one of my very favorite economic development and energy writers, Rob Bradley. He combines environmental sanity, intellectualism, and clarity. In this piece, Rob develops a flower child [...]
The Obvious Biomass Emissions Error
Thought Piece Thanks to Steve Goreham, here is a discussion about one of the many flaws in the Emission Reduction Scheme in European Union (ETS-EU). Wood chips are being treated like a renewable resource. The [...]