Thought Piece

It is very hard to read the political rhetoric of Michael Mann, Naomi Oreskes, Bill McKibbens, PBS, CNN, Post, Times (east and west), Tribune, and many other media assets every day: Where, the above-voices have failed to advance democracy in today’s world, by ignoring any of the loyal opposition’s counter-arguments against climate certainty. My only request, please stop treating fiction like it’s news.

Then, there is the whole credibility issue, where respected names like Harvard, PBS, CNN, The Times have lost their intellectual glow, along with signs of objectivity. In particular, Harvard’s name has been associated with the “indirect” EPA Health Study in 2015 and now, this issue of flawed research masquerading as political insight. The only answer is full-disclosure on EPA Panels and climate studies. Steve

Exposed: Harvard Study Omitted Evidence to Allege ExxonMobil ‘Misled’ Public on Climate