“The Pebble Mine Victory”: New EPA settles a lawless, pre-emptive 2014 veto of Alaska project, which will now get a fair hearing.

Thought Piece Here is another sign that the EPA will stop meddling and being extra legal. The Pebble Mine deserves a proper vetting and environmental evaluation. Documents obtained from freedom of information suits and legal discovery have shown that EPA officials orchestrated opposition to the mine with environmental activists and native tribes. This close relationship between [...]

By |2017-05-20T21:06:50-05:00May 19th, 2017|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on “The Pebble Mine Victory”: New EPA settles a lawless, pre-emptive 2014 veto of Alaska project, which will now get a fair hearing.

Open Letter to Former EPA’s Gina McCarthy in Retirement: A Full and Complete Disclosure of EPA’s Communications and some humility, please. An opinion about the EPA’s overall performance for the last 4 years, from the loyal opposition

Open Letter to Former EPA’s Gina McCarthy in Retirement: A Full and Complete Disclosure of EPA's Communications and some humility, please.  By Stephen Heins, The Word Merchant, LLC As a more active member of the loyal opposition, I cannot help noticing your appointment as a fellow at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and John [...]