In the end, I think that we will evolve into asking all members of any EPA Panel to make full disclosures, including potential conflicts of interest to replace the lop-sided appointments by the previous EPA for its Clean Air Committees: The Scientific Advisory Committee Particulate Matter Review Panel where 24 of the 26 members received over $190 million in direct or indirect grants and the the Scientific Advisory Committee Ozone Panel 17 of the 20 members received over $192 million. Steve

Join us in Charm City—Baltimore, Md.—for the 129th Annual Meeting and Education Conference! This meeting promises to be one of NARUC’s best yet. Energy policy, telecommunications, and other utility topics are issues at the forefront of trade and mainstream news. We convene engaged stakeholders, informed experts, representatives from industry, federal policymakers, and dedicated state regulators for robust, timely discussions.

Energy and utility matters affect everyone, every day. We look forward to seeing you!

John Betkoski III will be formally installed as the NARUC President.

Download the PDF of NARUC’s draft Resolutions to be considered at the 2017 Annual Meeting and Education Conference.