Steve Heins’ is Creating a Small NGO: “The Practical Environmentalist” (aka the energy pragmatist).org
Steve Heins' is Creating a Small NGO: "The Practical Environmentalist" (aka the energy pragmatist).org Getting serious about credible energy and environmental writing/reporting. Historically, Heins has been writer on subjects ranging from broadband and the US electricity grid, to environmental, regulatory and clean energy topics. He is also a vocal advocate of the Internet of Everything, international economics, Carbon Tax, [...]
Canada Appeases NGOs As Rural and Indigenous Peoples Suffer
Thanks to the gentle editing of Tom Shepstone, I discuss a puzzling, uneconomic situation that is unfolding in Canada, although large parts of the world have much the same problem. While governments and heavily populated area dither about global warming, rural and indigenous people are suffering from energy poverty. The overwhelming scourge of the poor and rural of the [...]
What Trendy Environmentalism Ignores to the Detriment of Mankind
What Trendy Environmentalism Ignores to the Detriment of Mankind By Stephen Heins Trendy environmentalism seems to be the order of the day in those parts of the US where rich folks tend to congregate, with no attention to the common good. It’s official. A Pennsylvania environmental group funded by the Heinz Endowments to create mischief is copying an initiative spawned in [...]
The Great Rural-Urban Divide Is at the Heart of the Energy Debate
The Great Rural-Urban Divide Is at the Heart of the Energy Debate Stephen Heins Energy Consultant Census data reveals a fundamental fact about our great rural-urban divide on energy. Rural folks are the makers. Urban folks are the uninformed takers. While many urban areas (e.g., New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Seattle) have controlled much of [...]
California Solar Mandate Will Cost More Than Anyone Was Told
California Solar Mandate Will Cost More Than Anyone Was Told Posted on August 15, 2018 by Natural Gas Now Guest Blogger Stephen Heins Energy Consultant Stephen Heins reveals the insanity of a California solar mandate, which will deepen the impacts of the energy debacle in which the state is already mired. California’s new solar mandate will cost much more than anyone was [...]
Previous Environmental Hysteria Apologies? When Will Fractivists Say “Sorry”?
Previous Environmental Hysteria Apologies? When Will Fractivists Say “Sorry”? The Sierra Club has basically apologized for its environmental hysteria about a starving polar bear. When can we expect fractivists to say they’re sorry? By Stephen Heins, The Word Merchant, LLC There is an original December 2017 National Geographic magazine story about a gut-wrenching video and narrative of a dying polar bear video, [...]
The EPA and The Clean Power Plan: The Climate Science is Far from Settled
Thought Piece With all the hand-wringing and teeth-knashing being done since the two international Lancet Reports and EPA’ s recent environmental report, I thought that I would reprint this piece from 2016: “EPA and the Clean Power Plan,” where I delineate over 20 flaws in the Clean Power Plan. The CPP would reduce US emissions by 00.01, according to [...]
Madam Ex-Secretary McCarthy: A Humble Public Servant is Wise
Madam Ex-Secretary McCarthy: A Humble Public Servant is Wise Madam Ex-Secretary McCarthy: A Humble Public Servant is Wise By Stephen Heins, The Word Merchant, LLC As a more active member of the loyal opposition, I cannot help noticing ex-EPA’s Gina McCarthy's appointment as a fellow at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and John F. Kennedy School of [...]
Steve Heins, “Electricity and Energy at the Crossroads 2017,” Master’s of Jurisprudence in Energy Law, University of Tulsa College of Law Energy .
I am happy to announce that I will be one of the lecturers at the University of Tulsa Law School this fall term with many other energy and regulation mavens. I will discuss "Electricity and Energy at the Crossroads 2017." Thanks for the opportunity, Diana Hall and Assistant Dean Tim Thompson. Steve For more information, contact Tim L. [...]
“Scientists Sharply Rebut Influential Renewable-Energy Plan: Nearly two dozen researchers critique a proposal for wind, solar, and water power….”
Scientists Sharply Rebut Influential Renewable-Energy Plan Nearly two dozen researchers critique a proposal for wind, solar, and water power gaining traction in policy circles. [ As I was reading this Technology Review piece yesterday, I was reminded of the following vignette: ...I was enjoying my own company at a French bistro on 93rd St. and Madison Ave. in NYC in [...]
The Truth About EPA’s “Mass Advisory Board Firings”
The Truth About EPA’s “Mass Advisory Board Firings” By Stephen Heins, The Word Merchant What role should appointed (i.e. not-elected) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) boards have with respect to environmental regulations in our country? It’s a valid question and timely, given the recent negative news coverage over EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s action in not automatically reappointing some board members. [...]
Who will write the final word on President Obama’s economic and environmental legacy?
Embed from Getty Images Who will write the final word on President Obama's economic and environmental legacy? A Review of President Obama’s Economic and Environmental Record Much has been made of the environmental record of the previous administration. But upon a closer review of the White House’s record, I must agree with New EPA Director Scott Pruitt in his [...]