New B.C. report discredits green groups’ narrative that First Nations are opposed to fossil fuel projects Indigenous communities are upset that many LNG projects haven’t been built, according to a joint report co-authored the B.C. government and the First Nations LNG Alliance

Thought Piece It is hard to retain a modicum of respect for any American environmental group who tries to influence the environmental debate of other countries, especially Canada. Vancouver researcher and writer Vivian Krause has prepared a report, published January, 2018, that traces large amounts of NGO money flowing into the “demarketing” campaign against fossil fuels, [...]

By |2018-04-14T01:16:53-05:00April 7th, 2018|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Comments Off on New B.C. report discredits green groups’ narrative that First Nations are opposed to fossil fuel projects Indigenous communities are upset that many LNG projects haven’t been built, according to a joint report co-authored the B.C. government and the First Nations LNG Alliance

The Fuel-Economy Reality Show The Obama rules were always designed to provide a sound bite and then be repealed.

Thought Piece The Fuel-Economy Reality Show, by @HolmanJenkins There are times when I remember how funny Holman Jenkins can be. This piece is a classic example. WARNING: Anyone who is unwilling to have a little fun should avoid this discussion about the current fuel economy debate. When I grow up, I want to be Holman Jenkins, [...]

By |2018-04-14T01:11:05-05:00April 7th, 2018|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|12 Comments

Fracking for gas could provide UK with less to fear from Russia Strategic, political and economic concerns are therefore causing a major rethink of British energy policy but public concern over new gas resource is a challenge

Thought Piece   For those people who no longer think that the English drink tea without lifting their pinky finger, here is another example of ongoing British delicacy. With few exceptions, the “precautionary principle” is still alive there. While  “peace is at hand,” I doubt that the Russians have signed any new treaty with England nor [...]

By |2018-04-14T01:01:41-05:00April 7th, 2018|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Comments Off on Fracking for gas could provide UK with less to fear from Russia Strategic, political and economic concerns are therefore causing a major rethink of British energy policy but public concern over new gas resource is a challenge

API Destroys Justification for Proposed DRBC Fracking Ban

Thought Piece Now that the anti-fracking movement has become a political science choir of enormous size and funding, it is hard to pass them off as being just well-meaning. The DRBC has become another anti-intellectual force of biblical proportion, with the “We will continue to work to protect communities from the threat of fracked gas pollution” [...]

By |2018-04-14T00:49:35-05:00March 31st, 2018|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Comments Off on API Destroys Justification for Proposed DRBC Fracking Ban

A complete list of things caused by global warming

Though Piece Every time I revisit this 2012 list, it seems quite small compared to the latest headlines of “scientific” studies with a climate change bias. Some of us mourn the loss of scientific objectivity (along with balanced reporting) in this political climate. For that matter, the private sector seems to be the only vehicle for [...]

By |2018-04-14T00:32:50-05:00March 31st, 2018|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Comments Off on A complete list of things caused by global warming

Scott Pruitt’s Attack on Science Would Paralyze the E.P.A.

Thought Piece The McCarthy/McCabe Op-Ed piece seems just too political, too silo-thinking, too simplistic, too parochial, and too eco-religious for an adult audience. Where is the discussion about national and international economic development, the effects of the Shale Revolution, the importance of energy efficiency, the state of emission reduction strategies, the growing benefits of the Internet [...]

By |2018-03-28T22:36:56-05:00March 27th, 2018|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , |Comments Off on Scott Pruitt’s Attack on Science Would Paralyze the E.P.A.

Is Massachusetts AG Maura Healey Colluding with the Russians? Or, with Trial Lawyers?

Thought Piece It is hard to retain a modicum of respect for any environmental group or public official who is LNG hypocritical. Is Massachusetts AG Maura Healey Colluding with the Russians? Or, with Trial Lawyers? Posted on March 23, 2018 by Tom Shepstone It’s hard to imagine, but the Attorney General of our 15th largest state, Massachusetts, supposes Russian [...]

By |2018-03-28T22:39:58-05:00March 26th, 2018|Categories: Energy, Thought Piece|Tags: |2 Comments

Solving New England’s Natural Gas Problem (Hint: It’s Not through Big New Pipelines)

Thought Piece The solutions contained in this CLF blog are as shallow as a teaspoon, as my daughter use to say. One can’t help wondering why the whole matter of replacing old infrastructure isn’t addressed in this piece. Then, there is the matter of the faulty economics and science used. Also, instead of using examples from [...]

By |2018-03-28T22:41:28-05:00March 24th, 2018|Categories: Energy, Thought Piece|Comments Off on Solving New England’s Natural Gas Problem (Hint: It’s Not through Big New Pipelines)

Anti-Pipeline Activists Force Us to Buy Natural Gas from Russia

Thought Piece This is a dispassionate piece (i.e. apolitical) about the state of the political energy world. By politicizing all things Oil and Gas, there is glaring lack of thought contained in the “leave it in the ground” sensitivity. Anti-intellectualism? In contradistinction, Ms. Jacobs offers up a workable solution to support economic development, emission reductions, and [...]

By |2018-03-28T22:43:38-05:00March 22nd, 2018|Categories: Energy, Thought Piece|Tags: , |1 Comment

U.S. Meets Carbon Emissions Years Early, While Germany Falls Short

Thought Piece It seems incomprehensible none of the US national media (aka the national enquirers) printed this story and study. U.S. Meets Carbon Emissions Years Early, While Germany Falls Short Posted on March 8, 2018 by Natural Gas Now Guest Blogger he United States is exceeding the Clean Power Plan’s carbon emissions targets and timelines. Germany, however, is poised [...]

By |2018-03-28T22:24:25-05:00March 21st, 2018|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: |Comments Off on U.S. Meets Carbon Emissions Years Early, While Germany Falls Short