A two-decade crusade by conservative charities fueled Trump’s exit from Paris climate accord
Thought Piece Another alarmist headline with more deeply prejudiced reporting. The portrayal of Myron Ebell, in all of its conspiratorial splendor, is so silly that I can't help think it was written by Jonathon Swift. Although, [...]
Building the Bakken Radio Episode 214: Hurricane Harvey Impact Special
The Crude Life Media Network Special Interview with Stephen Heins on Hurricane Harvey’s Impact Heins discusses some of the big picture impacts Hurricane Harvey in regards to the oil and gas industry. He [...]
WSJ Harpoons NY Gov Cuomo for His “Blockade” of Natural Gas
Thought Piece Thanks to Jim Willis, I didn't miss this Wall Street Journal editorial. I can't help wondering what went wrong with my Gmail alerts? I HATE BEING UNDER-INFORMED. Even the green activists Michael Bloomberg [...]
Fair Trade for Thee, but nor for me
Thought Piece Friend Paul Driessen writes about the imbalance and illogic of the politically correct alarmists and the rest of us. As an old debater, I still am interested in the counter-arguments to each [...]
Africa to Play the Trump Card on Coal: For Poverty Alleviation
Thought Piece As Steven Lyazi of Kampala, Uganda has said before, the people of Africa need reliable electricity, good sanitation, clean water, clean air in their homes, modern technology, modern hospitals, DDT to end the [...]
2017 Bakken Oil Conference Begins Next Week, More Than 400 Industry Professionals Set to Gather in Bismarck, North Dakota, Center of Energy Universe.
Thought Piece [I am heading for the annual Bakken Conference in Bismarck, North Dakota on Saturday. In 1880's, the State of Wisconsin developed what they called the Wisconsin Idea: Close cooperation between state government, higher [...]
2017 Bakken Oil Conference Begins Next Week, More Than 400 Industry Professionals Set to Gather in Bismarck, North Dakota. “The Bakken Vs. The World” Edit article
Thought Piece [This conference promises to be even better than last year, with a pre-conference seminar titled, The Bakken Vs. The World. Steve] SOURCE: BBI International July 11, 2017 2017 Bakken Oil Conference Begins Next [...]
Lessons of the Energy Export Boom: this dominance was achieved by private U.S. investment, innovation and trade—not Washington central planning.
Thought Piece Since 2009, the U.S. hydraulic fracturing revolution has caused America to become the world’s top natural gas producer passing Russia, and the top producer of oil and petroleum hydrocarbons since 2014, passing Saudi Arabia. By now almost [...]
“Trump Skips Climate Church”: Only when technology can meet mankind’s energy demand at competitive cost will low-carbon energy prevail.
Thought Piece Without the powerful forces of the Internet of Things, the Paris Agreement will remain a voluntary accord, with many unreliable countries and no accounting standards. The real problem with the Paris Agreement is [...]
“The Struggle Behind Oil’s Ups and Downs”: The industry has been recalibrated to a lower price level.
Thought Piece [Daniel Yergin has been one of the most reliable voices of world energy experts and writers for the last 40 years. His intellectual credentials would make a mortal man weep: Yale, founder of the New Journal, PHD from Cambridge University, lecturer [...]
“The Pebble Mine Victory”: New EPA settles a lawless, pre-emptive 2014 veto of Alaska project, which will now get a fair hearing.
Thought Piece Here is another sign that the EPA will stop meddling and being extra legal. The Pebble Mine deserves a proper vetting and environmental evaluation. Documents obtained from freedom of information suits and legal [...]
CA Senate leader proposes big changes to carbon-pricing program: shaky carbon trading auctions have cut into “expected state revenues.”
Thought Piece Yikes, there were so many flaws in the first CA Carbon-Trading Program, I will refrain from even discussing the additional complexity being proposed in the new CA Senate Bill. First, for my prejudices, I [...]