How CableLabs is paving the way for lightning-fast broadband: IOT relies on hyper-speed, two-way connectivity of equal speed, same specs all platforms
Thought Piece To enter the dazzling world of the Internet of Things, each of the billions and billions of things need hyper-speed, two-way connectivity and equal speed to download and upload information. What is being [...]
“Natural Gas Is The Future Of Energy, And It’s Not Even Close” Natural gas is the wave of the future for electricity production world-wide
Thought Piece (BERLIN, GERMANY - DECEMBER 12: The natural-gas fueled Heizkraftwerk Berlin-Mitte power plant of Swedish energy company Vattenfall stands on December 12, 2016 in Berlin, Germany. The modern plant creates both heat for residential [...]
Climate change: Fresh doubt over global warming ‘pause’: One-sided “reporting” isn’t a global warming report, at all.
Thought Piece They see black and white and I see red. It is hard not to notice the obvious bias of the BBC writer. How can there be any real debate about "global warming" or [...]
“Never Underestimate the Rock of the Bakken” by Patrick Miller: A Good Forecast with Staying Power
Thought Piece This article was written by Patrick Miller of The Bakken Magazine over a year ago. In it, he quotes Jonathan Garrett (a principal analyst with Wood Mackenzie in Houston and the company’s Bakken expert) [...]
Increased energy security will strengthen U.S. foreign policy: Fracking has helped “free American foreign policy from foreign oil dependency.”
Thought Piece “Isn't it horrifying when much of the major media, a minorities of states and their AG's, the EPA, the DOE, even the IPCC and NASA have become so politicized that they aren't [...]
Top 5 issues to affect oil/gas in 2017 – Wood Mackenzie: Great Source for All Things Fracking
Top 5 issues to affect oil/gas in 2017 – Wood Mackenzie Analysts at Wood Mackenzie in their 2017 forecasts for the oil and gas say the industry will turn cash flow positive for the [...]
Don’t Be Naive Enough to Believe the Climate Industry Is Incorruptible
Thought Piece Below is a cautionary tale about Science and the Climate Industry: It is no more infallible or necessarily unbiased than any other large, political, well-connected and well-funded group. If Shakespeare were alive today, he would [...]
Federal Flint Investigation Finds State, EPA Equally at Fault
Thought Piece "EPA officials other than Del Toral were also roundly criticized, however, with Chaffetz saying they were expected to serve as a federal "backstop" in case states didn't do their job. He said it [...]
The latest climate ‘conspiracy theory’ Guess who the new climate ‘conspiracy theorists’ are?
Thought Piece There has been a lot of recent handwringing about scientists and other climate change advocates being censored or punished for their climate change efforts over the last decade. Frankly, I can’t help but [...]
Trump Says ‘nobody really knows’ if climate change real
Thought Piece Trump Says 'nobody really knows' if climate change real. As Al Gore Told Donald Trump . . . Forget climate change. Green handouts have become a political end in themselves. December 9, 2016 [...]
Oops, I misspoke yesterday, “EPA Chief Urges Staff To Finish Obama’s Agenda Before Trump Takes Over”
[Oops! I wrote yesterday that "Gina McCarthy has announced that the EPA has effectively stopped working on a cap and trade scheme and their other ambitious plans related to the Clean Power Plan (CPP), Waters of the [...]
To Transform or not Transform? The EPA won’t have to deal with this Hamlet-like legal question after Tuesday.
Thought Piece by Stephen Heins [Gina McCarthy has announced that the EPA has effectively stopped working on a cap and trade scheme and their other ambitious plans related to the Clean Power Plan (CPP), Waters of the [...]