“Always precise, never pedantic.”
In a highly divided and partisan world, it is my intent to provide an even-handed view of the rapidly converging worlds of energy, technology and broadband, while avoiding silo thinking about any of them.
– Steve Heins
Currently open to consulting opportunities with an emerging energy company. Interested? Email: stephenheins@gmail.com
Clean energy and energy production are at the forefront of Steve’s attention.
Communication connectivity ties it together with “The Internet of Things”
Steve tackles relevant environmental issues like fracking and climate change.
Thought Pieces
‘Eco-colonialism’: Rift grows between Indigenous leaders and green activists
Thought Piece This is a piece by Claudia Cattaneo from 2018 that still echoes in my head. Certainly, it is a story with continuing importance to Canada, its politics [...]
Bill Gates Slams Unreliable Wind & Solar: ‘Let’s Quit Jerking Around With Renewables & Batteries’
Thought Piece Unsurprisingly, the following interview got no media coverage. By the way, Bill Gates has little or no skin in the renewables and battery sector, plus he isn’t [...]
Thought Piece For anyone who wants to put the economics back into economic development, this 2019 TIPRO Report is very timely. I especially like the Methodology Section. Too [...]
Gas Shortages Give New York an Early Taste of the Green New Deal
Thought Piece Here is a great Op-Ed piece by friend Robert Bryce. In complete disbelief, Robert writes about the mostly officious energy policy of New York. How can urban [...]
“Why We Won’t Quit the Climate Fight” (the growing futility, despair of climate alarmists)
Thought Piece Here is a great piece by one of my very favorite economic development and energy writers, Rob Bradley. He combines environmental sanity, intellectualism, and clarity. In this [...]
The Obvious Biomass Emissions Error
Thought Piece Thanks to Steve Goreham, here is a discussion about one of the many flaws in the Emission Reduction Scheme in European Union (ETS-EU). Wood chips are being [...]
‘Green energy blues’ in a town that sought to do something about climate change
Thought Piece I just have turned off The Beach Boys’ “Wouldn’t it be Nice,” and I brought myself back to renewable reality. Anyway, perhaps the largest uncertainty about renewable [...]
Infrastructure Lost: Why America Cannot Afford to “Keep It In the Ground”
Thought Piece First and foremost, the “Keep It In The Ground” has only one “accomplishment,” which is keeping over $91 billion of energy infrastructure from being built or replaced [...]
Climate hysterics skyrocket
Thought Piece First, I am a "lukewarmer," someone who believes deniers and alarmists are both wrong.That said, the tangible pollution in Asia and many poverty-strickened population areas of the [...]
What the Green New Deal will do to our family
Thought Piece Here is a new piece by ally Greg Wrightstone, entitled “What the Green New Deal will do to our family,” that has just appeared in the American [...]
PG&E Sparked at Least 1,500 California Fires. Now the Utility Faces Collapse.
Thought Piece Budget Surpluses and Fire in California: Governor Jerry Brown continues to declare that all of this year’s forest fires (including “Camp Fire,” “Woolsey Fire ,” “Hill Fire,” [...]
Have We Got a Carbon Tax ‘Dividend’ for You
Thought Piece The Abject Failure of Emissions Trade and Carbon Taxation Both, a carbon tax and cap and trade, have yet to provide a single good example of working. [...]
Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 7, 2019
Thought Piece As a lifelong private sector advocate, I have been an active witness to several states (like Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Pennsylvania, North Dakota), who are endowed with [...]
Press Is the Enemy of Climate
Press Is the Enemy of ClimateIt’s easier to tell a story of good vs. evil than to understand the science. See Article
Canada Appeases NGOs As Rural and Indigenous Peoples Suffer
Thanks to the gentle editing of Tom Shepstone, I discuss a puzzling, uneconomic situation that is unfolding in Canada, although large parts of the world have much the same [...]
+ Resources
I am privileged to recommend Stephen Heins for any marketing, media or writing assignment. Steve is an accomplished observer, researcher and writer and doesn’t come to the title of “Word Merchant” without considerable warrant. Read More
It is with great honor and enthusiasm that I recommend Stephen Heins as a hard working researcher and gifted writer. While I have known Stephen for only about six months, I’ve read many of his works and have been engaged in numerous great discussions with him on matters involving energy, the environment and the internet. Read More
I am pleased to recommend Stephen Heins as a researcher and writer. As a former commissioner on the Maryland Public Service Commission and current senior administrative law judge with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, I am most familiar with Mr. Heins’ work in the energy field. Read More
I’ve known Steve Heins for at least 5 years and can say without a doubt that he a gentleman of the first order: always professional and always respectful, even if he disagrees with your perspective. Read More
Heins believes he has the answer to most questions, but even when he does not, he is never in doubt and expresses his position with clarity and humor. He attracts his audience with an attention getting device, engages it with thoughtful comments and examples… Read More