“Always precise, never pedantic.”
In a highly divided and partisan world, it is my intent to provide an even-handed view of the rapidly converging worlds of energy, technology and broadband, while avoiding silo thinking about any of them.
– Steve Heins
Currently open to consulting opportunities with an emerging energy company. Interested? Email: stephenheins@gmail.com
Clean energy and energy production are at the forefront of Steve’s attention.
Communication connectivity ties it together with “The Internet of Things”
Steve tackles relevant environmental issues like fracking and climate change.
Thought Pieces
Activists in Ohio’s New Oil and Gas Play Get a Lesson in Shale Economics
Thought Piece Whenever the "alarmist media" run stories, Op-Eds on climate changes, and Letters to the Editor, they exaggerate the headline and narrative. They rarely if ever include a [...]
The Great Rural-Urban Divide Is at the Heart of the Energy Debate
The Great Rural-Urban Divide Is at the Heart of the Energy Debate Stephen Heins Energy Consultant Census data reveals a fundamental fact about our great rural-urban divide on energy. [...]
California Solar Mandate Will Cost More Than Anyone Was Told
California Solar Mandate Will Cost More Than Anyone Was Told Posted on August 15, 2018 by Natural Gas Now Guest Blogger Stephen Heins Energy Consultant Stephen Heins reveals the insanity of a [...]
The Phony Numbers Behind California’s Solar Mandate
Thought Piece California’s new solar mandate will cost much more than anyone was told, writes Steven Sexton. Essentially, the public sector, including well-funded politically active environmental groups, have decided [...]
The DRBC Has A Train Wreck As New Jersey Pollutes the Delaware
Thought Piece The silence emanating from the Coalition for the Delaware River Basin (CDRB) after this current train wreck is deafening. This sound of silence is especially interesting as [...]
Fire and Water in California
Thought Piece California Governor Jerry Brown continues to declare that all of this year’s forest fires were caused by climate change, while the Wall Street Journal continues to pour [...]
Infographic: Thanks to New York’s Fracking Ban, “Twin Tiers” Now Look More Like Distant Cousins
Thought Piece The following side by side comparisons between New York’s Southern Tier and Pennsylvania Northern Tier demonstrates that unconventional oil/hydraulic fracturing has become the center of a budding [...]
U.S. Achieves Biggest CO2 Reduction by Any Nation in the World in 2017
Thought Piece Clean energy is solar, energy efficiencies, wind, hydro, new NG power plants, LNG, new modern nuclear, updated cleaner power plants with scrubbers, new pipelines, new utility infrastructure, [...]
SEC Drops Probe of Exxon’s ‘Climate-Change Disclosures’
Thought Piece A humble scientist is a wise scientist. A good regulator is well-informed, light-handed and market-oriented. Let's admit that there are many, many people in the world who [...]
U.S. utilities balk at expanded carbon-capture subsidy
Thought Piece I would argue that some of the current solutions (like coal capture and storage, utility-grade battery storage, electric cars and long-distance batteries, etc.) to emission reductions and [...]
New York Times thinks we have “lost the Earth” – goes full nutso on #ExxonKnew
Thought Piece Whenever the "alarmist media" and “near tabloid science media” find stories, studies, reports or Op-Eds downplaying the immediate effects of climate changes, they unleash withering attacks on [...]
Activist Researchers Try — And Fail — To Link Fracking To Depression
Thought Piece Sometimes, I think about the cost of the agitprop contained in many health “reports,” like the latest Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and UCal Berkeley Studies. If we [...]
Previous Environmental Hysteria Apologies? When Will Fractivists Say “Sorry”?
Previous Environmental Hysteria Apologies? When Will Fractivists Say “Sorry”? The Sierra Club has basically apologized for its environmental hysteria about a starving polar bear. When can we expect fractivists [...]
SHOCKER: National Geographic admits they were wrong about “starving polar bear” video
Thought Piece https://lnkd.in/d3-9c57. The previous link is to the original National Geographical story about the gut-wrenching video and narrative of the most visited piece in NatGeo history. At least, [...]
Jerry Brown’s plan lowers PG&E’s liability for wildfire damages
Thought Piece While California Governor Jerry Brown declared that the late 2017 fires were caused by climate change, the Wall Street Journal and others have poured some cold water [...]
+ Resources
I am privileged to recommend Stephen Heins for any marketing, media or writing assignment. Steve is an accomplished observer, researcher and writer and doesn’t come to the title of “Word Merchant” without considerable warrant. Read More
It is with great honor and enthusiasm that I recommend Stephen Heins as a hard working researcher and gifted writer. While I have known Stephen for only about six months, I’ve read many of his works and have been engaged in numerous great discussions with him on matters involving energy, the environment and the internet. Read More
I am pleased to recommend Stephen Heins as a researcher and writer. As a former commissioner on the Maryland Public Service Commission and current senior administrative law judge with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, I am most familiar with Mr. Heins’ work in the energy field. Read More
I’ve known Steve Heins for at least 5 years and can say without a doubt that he a gentleman of the first order: always professional and always respectful, even if he disagrees with your perspective. Read More
Heins believes he has the answer to most questions, but even when he does not, he is never in doubt and expresses his position with clarity and humor. He attracts his audience with an attention getting device, engages it with thoughtful comments and examples… Read More