Is climate change making hurricanes worse?

Thought Piece In all fairness, I need to include this recent piece by the Although, it is an interview, which means it has only one point of view. Yes, I could write a counter argument, but I am following my own advice on humility and civility. Steve Is climate change making hurricanes worse? By Staff [...]

By |2017-09-19T21:21:22-05:00September 19th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , |Comments Off on Is climate change making hurricanes worse?

Climate scientists admit they were wrong on climate change effects

Thought Piece A humble scientist is a wise scientist. Anyone making predictions should heed the words of the great philosopher Casey Stengel: "Don't make prediction especially about the future." This might be a great time to have thorough discussion on climate change, without rancor or name-calling. Let's admit that there are many, many people in the [...]

By |2017-09-19T21:18:51-05:00September 19th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Climate scientists admit they were wrong on climate change effects

Former Obama EPA Head Criticizes EPA For Lack Of Transparency, Forgets Her Lack Of Transparency

Thought Piece After being engaged with the EPA senior management since 2005, I must admit that my experience with them especially over the last 8 years has left me with little trust of their news releases and interviews, especially after paying close attention to Lisa Jackson and Gina McCarthy's public statements. Both have sounded hypocritical and [...]

By |2017-09-21T20:55:26-05:00September 19th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Former Obama EPA Head Criticizes EPA For Lack Of Transparency, Forgets Her Lack Of Transparency

Climate Alarmist Michael Mann Shrieks at ‘Inhuman Cretins’ for Skepticism

Thought Piece Dr. Michael Mann continues to communicate his point of view, with the confidence of the morally righteous. After hearing him testify at the Hearing of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology in March, I thought he was uncivil, glib, and anti-intellectual. Historically, Mann has tried to sue several people and media for [...]

By |2017-09-14T23:36:47-05:00September 12th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Climate Alarmist Michael Mann Shrieks at ‘Inhuman Cretins’ for Skepticism

Building the Bakken Radio Episode 214: Hurricane Harvey Impact Special

The Crude Life Media Network Special Interview with Stephen Heins on Hurricane Harvey’s Impact Heins discusses some of the big picture impacts Hurricane Harvey in regards to the oil and gas industry.  He also opines about the group who is trying to link Hurricane Harvey to energy extraction in the United States. He also [...]

By |2018-01-04T23:23:06-05:00September 5th, 2017|Categories: Energy, Environment, The Weekly Word|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Building the Bakken Radio Episode 214: Hurricane Harvey Impact Special

CLIMATE Group seeks documents on disbanded advisory panel

Thought Piece I find myself thinking that the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) is too political and morally superior by 10. "Dumping a whole panel full of expert advisors show how badly Trump wants to avoid hearing the truth about climate change," according to Howard Crystal, a senior attorney for CBD's Climate Law Institute. The Center [...]

By |2017-09-05T22:06:34-05:00August 31st, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , |Comments Off on CLIMATE Group seeks documents on disbanded advisory panel

Harvey, the Storm That Humans Helped Cause

Thought Piece It was only a matter of time before the New York Times ran a story about climate change and Hurricane Harvey. And, it was only a matter of time before the Times had an Op-Ed headline like "Harvey, the Storm That Humans Helped Cause." Whenever the Times (or The Guardian for that matter) runs [...]

By |2017-09-05T22:13:47-05:00August 30th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , |Comments Off on Harvey, the Storm That Humans Helped Cause

Harvey’s Lessons for America’s Stretched Energy Infrastructure

Thought Piece The US can't afford to face the future with any sense of certainty. Surely, Harvey reminds us that we have probably stretched many of our energy assets to the limits of reliability: Like we expect of the Public Service Commissions in all 50 states, we simply cannot become complacent with our economic and energy [...]

By |2017-09-02T09:44:48-05:00August 29th, 2017|Categories: Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Harvey’s Lessons for America’s Stretched Energy Infrastructure

Fair Trade for Thee, but nor for me

Thought Piece   Friend Paul Driessen writes about the imbalance and illogic of the politically correct alarmists and the rest of us. As an old debater, I still am interested in the counter-arguments to each of Paul's points. After all, I am believer in the larger issues of global economic development and human ingenuity in the [...]

By |2017-09-02T09:41:39-05:00August 28th, 2017|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , |Comments Off on Fair Trade for Thee, but nor for me

Africa to Play the Trump Card on Coal: For Poverty Alleviation

Thought Piece As Steven Lyazi of Kampala, Uganda has said before, the people of Africa need reliable electricity, good sanitation, clean water, clean air in their homes, modern technology, modern hospitals, DDT to end the threat of malaria (and the deaths of over 400,000 annually) and real economic development. If anyone would like to read more [...]

By |2017-08-28T22:26:52-05:00August 23rd, 2017|Categories: Energy, Environment, Thought Piece|Tags: , |Comments Off on Africa to Play the Trump Card on Coal: For Poverty Alleviation