August 2018
U.S. utilities balk at expanded carbon-capture subsidy
Thought Piece I would argue that some of the current solutions (like coal capture and storage, utility-grade battery storage, electric cars and long-distance batteries, etc.) to emission reductions and global economic development are too costly [...]
New York Times thinks we have “lost the Earth” – goes full nutso on #ExxonKnew
Thought Piece Whenever the "alarmist media" and “near tabloid science media” find stories, studies, reports or Op-Eds downplaying the immediate effects of climate changes, they unleash withering attacks on pieces like Nathaniel Rich’s in a [...]
July 2018
Activist Researchers Try — And Fail — To Link Fracking To Depression
Thought Piece Sometimes, I think about the cost of the agitprop contained in many health “reports,” like the latest Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and UCal Berkeley Studies. If we were ever able to compute the [...]
Previous Environmental Hysteria Apologies? When Will Fractivists Say “Sorry”?
Previous Environmental Hysteria Apologies? When Will Fractivists Say “Sorry”? The Sierra Club has basically apologized for its environmental hysteria about a starving polar bear. When can we expect fractivists to say they’re sorry? By Stephen [...]
SHOCKER: National Geographic admits they were wrong about “starving polar bear” video
Thought Piece The previous link is to the original National Geographical story about the gut-wrenching video and narrative of the most visited piece in NatGeo history. At least, the three perpetrators of climate alarmism [...]
Jerry Brown’s plan lowers PG&E’s liability for wildfire damages
Thought Piece While California Governor Jerry Brown declared that the late 2017 fires were caused by climate change, the Wall Street Journal and others have poured some cold water on that argument. In fact, the [...]