

July 2018

The Problem With Innovation: The Biggest Companies Are Hogging All the Gains

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Thought Piece “Since the industrial revolution, major innovations have filtered from company to company and industry to industry. Not anymore, and that’s a problem.” It is worth mentioning that the following Op-Ed excludes any discussion [...]

WINNING: Arizona Appellate Court decides Hockey Stick emails must be released

Thought Piece FINALLY, TRANSPARENCY: SECRET COMMUNICATIONS ABOUT MICHAEL MANN’S HOCKEY STICK MAY FINALLY BECOME TRANSPARENT. Craig Richardson, president of E & E Legal Institute, (during the Weekly Word radio program with Jason Spiess and Steve [...]

A Reflection on the Wannabe Kings of Environmentalism Activism

Thought Piece The idea that “climate change disputers are actually innovation pessimists” has been circulating around climate alarmists circles lately. Frankly, I think that they have it ass backwards: Climate alarmists are the real innovation [...]

June 2018