July 2018
The Problem With Innovation: The Biggest Companies Are Hogging All the Gains
Thought Piece “Since the industrial revolution, major innovations have filtered from company to company and industry to industry. Not anymore, and that’s a problem.” It is worth mentioning that the following Op-Ed excludes any discussion [...]
Thought Piece Harvard, like the rest of the Ivy League and the media, is broken. There is an embarrassing amount of certainty in this study about the distant future. CLIMATE CHANGE WILL FORCE THE POOR [...]
WINNING: Arizona Appellate Court decides Hockey Stick emails must be released
Thought Piece FINALLY, TRANSPARENCY: SECRET COMMUNICATIONS ABOUT MICHAEL MANN’S HOCKEY STICK MAY FINALLY BECOME TRANSPARENT. Craig Richardson, president of E & E Legal Institute, (during the Weekly Word radio program with Jason Spiess and Steve [...]
Oil’s New Technology Spells End of Boom for Roughnecks
Thought Piece Technology has undermined one of the last high-paying blue-collar jobs: “You can’t just start out swinging and hauling iron anymore.” Natural gas is a long, long, wide, clean, and ample bridge fuel, because [...]
A Reflection on the Wannabe Kings of Environmentalism Activism
Thought Piece The idea that “climate change disputers are actually innovation pessimists” has been circulating around climate alarmists circles lately. Frankly, I think that they have it ass backwards: Climate alarmists are the real innovation [...]
June 2018
Master of Jurisprudence in Energy Law (MJEL)
Thought Piece Offshore construction platform for production oil and gas, Oil and gas industry and hard work,Production platform and operation process by manual and auto function, oil and rig industry and operation. The [...]