

April 2018

Judge’s Bombshell Filing Confirms Climate Conspiracy Against Energy Industry

Thought Piece Spenser Walrath has written an interesting group of pieces this weekend about the confirmation of climate groups and their “climate conspiracy against energy industry.”  It's harder and harder to find a trustworthy voice [...]

Appalachia Markets Itself as Global Energy Hub Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia want to transform the Appalachian Basin into an oil and gas powerhouse.

Thought Piece With no regard for Dennis Kucinich’s Magical Misery Tour, the Governors from Ohio, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia have realized that a collaboration between the three states will make them into a “Global Energy [...]

Dennis Kucinich Finds Fracking Facts in Southeast Ohio: A Horror Story

Thought Piece "Global warming: Is there anything it can't do,” asked Homer Simpson. While touring southeastern Ohio with a naive writer, Dennis Kucinich looked at the effects of the Rust Belt de-industrialization and saw a [...]