

January 2019

‘Green energy blues’ in a town that sought to do something about climate change

Thought Piece I just have turned off The Beach Boys’ “Wouldn’t it be Nice,” and I brought myself back to renewable reality. Anyway, perhaps the largest uncertainty about renewable energy is the two kinds of [...]

Infrastructure Lost: Why America Cannot Afford to “Keep It In the Ground”

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Thought Piece First and foremost, the “Keep It In The Ground” has only one “accomplishment,” which is keeping over $91 billion of energy infrastructure from being built or replaced (with both new and upgraded technology). [...]

Climate hysterics skyrocket

Thought Piece First, I am a "lukewarmer," someone who believes deniers and alarmists are both wrong.That said, the tangible pollution in Asia and many poverty-strickened population areas of the world needs to be addressed by [...]

PG&E Sparked at Least 1,500 California Fires. Now the Utility Faces Collapse.

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Thought Piece Budget Surpluses and Fire in California: Governor Jerry Brown continues to declare that all of this year’s forest fires (including “Camp Fire,” “Woolsey Fire ,” “Hill Fire,” and “Rocky Peak Fire”) have been [...]