Energy Related Articles2017-04-05T21:21:32-05:00

The Reason Renewables Can’t Power Modern Civilization Is Because They Were Never Meant To

May 8th, 2019|

Thought Piece We owe Max Brod. After promising his dear friend Franz Kafka (who was on his death bed) that he wouldn't publish his writing, Max Brod waited for almost a decade before publishing all [...]

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New Nature Study Affirms the Climate Benefits of Increased Natural Gas Use

May 6th, 2019|

Thought Piece New "Nature Magazine" published Study affirms the Climate Benefits of Increased Natural Gas Use The “seminal” piece by Naomi Oreskes, “Merchants of Doubt,” and the “Indirect Health Benefits Study” will certainly be historical [...]

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Why I Don’t “Believe” in “Science”

April 30th, 2019|

Thought Piece Why I don't "believe" in today's environmental activism. And, why I don't believe much in the agitprop from the Big Green Machine. "After billions and billions of dollars spent on environmental activism, the [...]

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Kenney building ‘war room’ to counter environmental groups, negative media coverage of Alberta’s oil industry

April 21st, 2019|

Thought Piece To quote the ubiquitous Anonymous: “Environmental activism does not destroy things, but rather it inexhaustibly prevents them from ever coming into being.” It is time for Canada to have an updated discussion about [...]

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Bill Gates Slams Unreliable Wind & Solar: ‘Let’s Quit Jerking Around With Renewables & Batteries’

February 19th, 2019|

Thought Piece  Unsurprisingly, the following interview got no media coverage. By the way, Bill Gates has little or no skin in the renewables and battery sector, plus he isn’t singing from the Green Tabernacle Choir [...]

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Gas Shortages Give New York an Early Taste of the Green New Deal

February 16th, 2019|Tags: , , |

Thought Piece Here is a great Op-Ed piece by friend Robert Bryce. In complete disbelief, Robert writes about the mostly officious energy policy of New York. How can urban politicians set a course for destruction, [...]

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Infrastructure Lost: Why America Cannot Afford to “Keep It In the Ground”

January 23rd, 2019|Tags: , |

Thought Piece First and foremost, the “Keep It In The Ground” has only one “accomplishment,” which is keeping over $91 billion of energy infrastructure from being built or replaced (with both new and upgraded technology). [...]

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What the Green New Deal will do to our family

January 18th, 2019|Tags: , |

Thought Piece Here is a new piece by ally Greg Wrightstone, entitled “What the Green New Deal will do to our family,” that has just appeared in the American Thinker. Beneath the Jonathon Swift-like satire, [...]

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Energy & Environmental Newsletter: January 7, 2019

January 7th, 2019|

Thought Piece As a lifelong private sector advocate, I have been an active witness to several states (like Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Pennsylvania, North Dakota), who are endowed with vast amounts of unconventional oil and [...]

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Canada Appeases NGOs As Rural and Indigenous Peoples Suffer

December 4th, 2018|

Thanks to the gentle editing of Tom Shepstone, I discuss a puzzling, uneconomic situation that is unfolding in Canada, although large parts of the world have much the same problem. While governments and heavily populated [...]

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