New York Times thinks we have “lost the Earth” – goes full nutso on #ExxonKnew
Thought Piece Whenever the "alarmist media" and “near tabloid science media” find stories, studies, reports or Op-Eds downplaying the immediate effects of climate changes, they unleash withering attacks on pieces like Nathaniel Rich’s in a [...]
Activist Researchers Try — And Fail — To Link Fracking To Depression
Thought Piece Sometimes, I think about the cost of the agitprop contained in many health “reports,” like the latest Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and UCal Berkeley Studies. If we were ever able to compute the [...]
Jerry Brown’s plan lowers PG&E’s liability for wildfire damages
Thought Piece While California Governor Jerry Brown declared that the late 2017 fires were caused by climate change, the Wall Street Journal and others have poured some cold water on that argument. In fact, the [...]
DEP Says Shale Gas Air Impacts Limited, But Fractivists Deny Reality
Thought Piece The Executive Director of the Clean Air Council, Joseph Otis Minott, had the nerve to respond to a recently published report by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s public health study on unconventional [...]
Standing Rock Redux
Thought Piece Our nation’s infrastructure needs updating for many environmental reasons, as mentioned in this Wall Street Journal editorial; and yet, many local, state and national voices are opposing natural gas pipelines being built with [...]
Fossil Fuel Industries Outspend Clean Energy Advocates On Climate Lobbying By 10 To 1
Thought Piece CASTLE DALE, UT - OCTOBER 9: Emissions rise out of three large smoke stacks at Pacificorp's 1440 megawatt coal fired power plant on October 9, 2017 in Castle Dale, Utah. It was [...]
America’s Oil And Gas Boom Is Spreading Through The Country
Thought Piece As we watch the slow, tortuous process of England approving its first hydro-fracking well, it is worth mentioning that “America’s Oil and Gas Boom is Spreading Through the Country.” There is a very [...]
Oil’s New Technology Spells End of Boom for Roughnecks
Thought Piece Technology has undermined one of the last high-paying blue-collar jobs: “You can’t just start out swinging and hauling iron anymore.” Natural gas is a long, long, wide, clean, and ample bridge fuel, because [...]
Five Things To Know About New EDF Methane Study
Thought Piece "It’s final. The EDF has revealed itself to have totally lost its objectivity, if not its media credibility: Even the Wall Street Journal has taken the new EDF report at face value. In [...]
LNG Projects Happening Across World Equal Opportunity Here at Home
Thought Piece This is a thoughtful, informed piece about LNG growth internationally. As usual, writing with clarity and research depth, Tom Shepstone has reported on NG, LNG, economics, economic development and legal issues related to [...]
The Pope’s Misguided War On Fossil Fuels
Thought Piece A humble Pope is a worldly Pope. Just like a humble scientist is a wise scientist. Let's admit that there are many, many people in the world (including the Pope) who haven't accepted [...]
FERC Denies Rehearing Request for Mountain Valley Pipe 3-2
Thought Piece Thinking like the majority of FERC Commissioners ruled, I disagree with the Blue Virginia’s editorial response to the ruling, but I am quite impressed by the Marcellus Drilling News publisher, Jim Willis: He [...]