
Vision of digital future to emerge from crucial ruling

Originally published by The Christian Science Publishing Society - see article here. 14 Nov 2000 | Author Alexandra Marks [Staff writer of the The Christian Science Monitor] NEW YORK — The United States is currently turning on a DIME. Not the silver 10-cent coin - or even the outcome of a few contested ballots in Florida - [...]

By |2017-04-03T22:55:52-05:00November 14th, 2000|Categories: About Steve, Communication|Tags: , |3 Comments

NorthNet Files Time-Warner’s “Naughty” Term Sheet with FCC

10 Oct 2000 | By Mike Robuck For Immediate Release OSHKOSH - Stephen A. Heins, Director of Marketing for NorthNet, has filed a written copy of the Terms Sheet that Time-Warner Cable has been offering to unaffiliated Internet Service Providers over the last two months in an ex parte filing today. "In the midst of the [...]

By |2017-04-03T22:55:52-05:00November 13th, 2000|Categories: About Steve, Communication|Tags: |Comments Off on NorthNet Files Time-Warner’s “Naughty” Term Sheet with FCC

Fear and Loathing in San Jose

13 Nov 2000 | Author Dana Blankenhorn Most ISPs are small, local businesses. Some started in the late 1980s as hobbies. People who were spending too much time (and money) on their computers turned themselves into bulletin board system operators, or sysops, by hosting discussions and file sharing to get some of that money back. Then [...]

By |2017-04-03T22:55:53-05:00November 13th, 2000|Categories: About Steve, Communication|Tags: |Comments Off on Fear and Loathing in San Jose

Open Letter to Chairmen Robert Pitofsky, FTC

*SEE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT* 10 Oct 2000 | by Stephen Heins Robert Pitofsky, Chairman Federal Trade Commission William Kennard, Chairman Federal Communications Commission Dear Sirs, An ex parte filing from me containing a written copy of the terms and conditions that Time Warner has offered to unaffiliated Internet Service Providers across the country should appear today in the public [...]

By |2017-04-03T22:55:53-05:00October 10th, 2000|Categories: Communication, Original Heins|Tags: |Comments Off on Open Letter to Chairmen Robert Pitofsky, FTC