November 2018
California’s state budget is so flush words can’t describe it
Thought Piece Budget Surpluses and Fire in California: Governor Jerry Brown continues to declare that all of this year’s forest fires (including “Camp Fire,” “Woolsey Fire ,” “Hill Fire,” and “Rocky Peak Fire”) have been [...]
‘It’s a Crisis of Civilization in Mexico.’ 250,000 Dead. 37,400 Missing.
Thought Piece When will the international media notice that the world is suffering a crisis of civilization in Mexico, Central and South American, Africa, a good part of Asia, and the Middle East? There are [...]
Colorado Fracking Votes Uphold Property Rights
Thought Piece This is an important interpretation of the Colorado elections (as it relates to American oil and natural gas) last week by Tom Shepstone. “ As Tom says, “Fairness is, too, the reason landowners [...]
Canada’s Crude Problem: Lots of Oil With Nowhere to Go
Thought Piece For whatever reason, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doesn’t discuss some important facts about Canadian oil and natural gas: Canada is the 4th largest crude oil producer in the world, the price of [...]
EPA rule changes put clean air at risk (Commentary)
Thought Piece The thoroughly discredited Dr. Charles Driscoll, leader of the “Indirect Health Benefits Study” of the Clean Power Plan (CPP), opines about the new EPA rule, replacing the 2015 CPP with a more balance, [...]
How Greens Humiliate Themselves
Thought Piece Holman Jenkins rides again!!! My major complaint against the one-eyed environment extremists, like the new Attorney General of New York, has always been that they use misinformation and extra-legal (at best) bullying tactics, [...]