Keystone is anti-hydrocarbon zealotry in microcosm
Thought Piece We will continue to work to protect communities from the threat of fracked gas pollution.” Sierra Club attorney Nathan Matthews It is hard to retain a modicum of respect for any environmental group [...]
Fracking Our Way to Mideast Peace
Thought Piece Fracking Our Way to Mideast Peace I am surprised that Walter Russell Mead didn’t include the following piece in his Wall Street Journal argument: “EU States and Israel Sign Gas Pipeline Deal,” [...]
The Weekly Word: The changing global job market
The Weekly Word; December 9, 2017 In this week’s episode of The Weekly Word, host Jason Spiess and Heins talk about the ever-changing global oil industry. A big portion of the discussion is on [...]
NatGas, Oil Industry Partnership to Accelerate Methane Reductions
Thought Piece "Paranoid politics almost never achieves its goal. The obvious prejudices, hyperbole, rhetoric, and shrillness give it away.” As I have said before: "Name-calling, smearing, and sneering are not arguments.” One gets the feeling [...]
WV Gov Justice Says China Investment Specifics are “Confidential”
Thought Piece Many of us hope that China will actually provide the enormous amount of money promised to West Virginia for its economic development, but a friend of mine reminds me that it is “always [...]
Senate Passes Hoeven’s Bill to Streamline Tribal Energy Development
Thought Piece While I suspect that this storyline will either be ignored or confined to the small stories with small print, I think that Senator Hoeven’s bill will help the tribes of North Dakota gain [...]
The Weekly Word: The evolution of a protestor and the economic ecosystem of energy
The Weekly Word: The evolution of a protestor and the economic ecosystem of energy This week on The Weekly Word with Professor Stephen Heins, Jim Willis from the Marcellus Drilling News joined the energy-themed [...]
The Weekly Word: Pipeline spills and the religion of environmentalism
The Weekly Word: Pipeline spills and the religion of environmentalism; November 25, 2017 On this week’s installment of The Weekly Word with professor Stephen Heins, climate change and environmentalism are discussed. Heins begins talking about the [...]
Keystone XL on the Cusp
Thought Piece It is hard to make a more compelling argument for the private investment, environment, safety, and economic development for new pipelines in the US than the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board does. So [...]
With Big Spill to Clean, Pipeline Owner Seeks Keystone XL Approval
Thought Piece Not to be undone by the Washington Post reporting, the New York Times begins its story with the following headline: “With Big Spill to Clean....” then, the reporter breathlessly writes about “the images [...]
Exposed: Harvard Study Omitted Evidence to Allege ExxonMobil ‘Misled’ Public on Climate
Thought Piece It is very hard to read the political rhetoric of Michael Mann, Naomi Oreskes, Bill McKibbens, PBS, CNN, Post, Times (east and west), Tribune, and many other media assets every day: Where, the [...]
The Clean Power Plan Is Irrelevant
Thought Piece Environmentalists have been taken by surprise by the remarkable shale oil evolution over the last decade and its benefits to the global environment and international economic development. Instead, they have made fossil fuels, [...]